2024 Student Trip to Sacramento

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
students in Sacramento

We are happy to report the completion of another successful student trip to Sacramento! The second annual trip included 19 participants, including 9 students from the San Diego campus and 10 students from SDSU Imperial Valley, who traveled with Dr. Bukalova, Dr. Kanaan, Dr. Swayne, Roxanne Vega, and David Arguelles. The trip, from April 7 to April 10, provided students with the opportunity to meet with legislators, legislative staff, as well as the Governor’s Office, the ACLU, the California Legislative Analyst’s Office. 

Students were introduced on the California Assembly Floor by Assemblymember Alvarez, an SDSU alumnus and San Diego Area Representative. Other activities included a tour of the Assembly Chambers and California State Capitol building provided by Assemblymember Ward, and visits to the Stanford Mansion and other historical sights in Sacramento.

The School of Public Affairs sponsored an opening night reception and an alumni dinner for the students. The dinner was well-attended, with 40 guests, including all of the students and 15 guests. Attending guests included elected officials and SDSU alumni, which provided networking opportunities for our students.

This trip would not have been possible without the generous support and assistance of the SPA Advisory Council and the SPA and SDSU-IV teams, including Director Colvin, Julie O’Connor, Kathee McBride, and Alexa Sierra Marquez. 

We look forward to building on this trip's success in the future. Stay tuned for more exciting opportunities!

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