Practicum Courses

Student Experiences

What is a Practicum Course?

A practicum course is a hands-on, experiential learning course where students apply theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world professional settings. Under the supervision of a faculty member and an on-site professional, students gain practical experience, develop professional skills, and integrate academic learning with practical application. Practicum courses provide students with the opportunity to engage in meaningful work related to their field of study while earning academic credit. This immersive experience is crucial for students pursuing careers in public service, as it enhances their understanding of the field, builds their professional network, and significantly boosts their employability. By completing a practicum, students demonstrate to potential employers their readiness to tackle real-world challenges and their commitment to making a positive impact in their communities.

SDSU Students visit and tour the Richard J Donovan Correctional Facility
SDSU Students visit and tour the Richard J Donovan Correctional Facility

(Offered: Fall/Spring) - Students will visit local correctional facilities to learn about their structure, function, and mission, with guest speakers from various law enforcement organizations. Students will understand the legal frameworks of offender detention, prison culture, gang dynamics, and survival strategies within correctional facilities. Anticipated Community Engagement: Three visits to correctional facilities

(Offered Fall/Spring) - In this service-learning course, students dive into the roles of public and non-profit organizations in San Diego, gaining hands-on experience in various sectors such as environment, health, housing, and criminal justice. Students learn community-driven research strategies, connecting class content to career skills and understanding modern citizenship. Anticipated Community Engagement: 3 regional trips to community partner sites

(Offered: Variable) -

This practicum course helps public administration students connect with professionals and explore potential careers. Students research and visit government, community, and public organizations to understand how services are delivered efficiently, ethically, and equitably. Anticipated Community Engagement: 3 trips to a selected municipal infrastructure (water, waste, recycling, park administration, auto fleet, fire service, etc

(Offered: Fall) - This practicum course helps public administration students connect with professionals and explore potential careers. Students research and visit government, community, and public organizations to understand how services are delivered efficiently, ethically, and equitably. Anticipated Community Engagement: 3 trips to a selected municipal infrastructure (water, waste, recycling, park administration, auto fleet, fire service, etc

(Offered: Fall/Spring) - In the practicum course, students complete a substantial project which showcases their skills in evaluation, program or policy design, or other advanced tasks they've learned throughout their undergraduate program. Anticipated Community Engagement: three regional trips to community partner sites.

(Offered: Fall/Spring) - This course introduces students to public policy design and administration, with a focus on US-Mexico relations and the border region. Through community partner site visits, students act as policy advisors, learning to craft policy briefs and develop analytical skills to address complex challenges in the region.  Anticipated Community Engagement: Three visits to Tijuana, Mexico.

SDSU Students tour the Capitol Building in Sacramento
SDSU Students tour the Capitol Building in Sacramento
SDSU Students visit the Capitol Building in Sacramento
SDSU Students visit the Capitol Building in Sacramento

(Offered Fall) - The course offers an educational trip to a foreign capital to observe and learn about legislative processes in diverse states or countries. Students explore the roles of elected officials, constituent engagement, political dynamics, and civic involvement, while also interacting with government officials, elected representatives, and SDSU alumni.

(Offered: Spring) - This course integrates classroom study with civic engagement, examining homelessness through a social responsibility lens. Through partnering with a local organization and dedicating nine hours weekly to volunteering, students gain practical insights while exploring solutions and becoming proactive citizens in addressing social challenges in San Diego.

SDSU Student on San Diego Sheriff Helicopter tour during her internship
SDSU Student on San Diego Sheriff Helicopter tour during her internship

(Offered: Fall/Spring/Summer) - Seniors will gain hands-on experience in public service through internships matched with their academic and career interests. Working in government agencies or nonprofits, they'll develop practical skills by actively engaging in relevant activities, interacting with officials, shadowing professionals, and gaining firsthand insights.

(Offered: Fall/Spring/Summer) - In this course, students explore diverse research methods, including library resources, internet databases, and empirical studies, to deepen their understanding. They analyze contemporary criminal justice policy issues, honing critical evaluation skills and interpreting the field's complexities.