Graduate Internships and Opportunities
About Graduate Internships
MPA Internship
The internship course is the cornerstone of graduate students’ experience in public administration. A public service internship is essential for a student’s ability to practically apply classroom theory and successfully achieve employment in the public or non-profit sector following graduation. It is for this reason that all MPA students are required to register for and complete 12 units of PA 796, which includes a minimum of 480 hours of internship experience. Students who have had considerable experience in the public sector, or who are currently working in the public sector, will likely be permitted to waive some or all of the internship requirements. Please see the School of Public Affairs’ website for information on the Internship Waiver Request process.
MCP Internship
The internship in urban planning is an important component to the MCP program at it supports the student’s ability to practically apply classroom theory to addressing urban planning issues while successfully positioning the student for professional employment after graduation. Internships may take place in public or non-profit sector agencies or private firms and involve tasks such as the preparation of community plan updates, researching and compiling data, GIS mapping, facilitating public outreach and information campaigns and other duties to support important urban and regional planning policy.
MCJC Internship
This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to gain ‘real world’ criminal justice and/or related social services system experience, and to assess and compare these experiences with scholarly criminal justice/criminology literature on such programs, services, practitioners, offenders and/or victims. The class requires students to complete a minimum of 120 service hours in a criminal justice (or related) organization, attend workshops and meetings on professionalism and ethical decision making, complete professional development writing assignments and to write a research paper.
Graduate Student Coordinator