Dr. Tereza Trejbalová

Assistant Professor
School of Public Affairs
College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts
Primary Email: [email protected]
Adams Humanities - 4103
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego,
Tereza Trejbalová, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the School of Public Affairs at San Diego State University. Trejbalová joined the SDSU faculty in 2022 after working as a researcher at an institute under the Czech Republic’s equivalent of the Department of Justice. Her research interests include examining institutional misconduct and recidivism of different system-impacted populations (especially individuals on death row, individuals with severe mental illness, and women), as well as the prison experiences of those incarcerated. Aside from correctional topics, she is also interested in pedagogical research in the context of criminal justice classrooms to be able to offer meaningful learning experiences to her students. Trejbalová authored and co-authored works that have appeared in outlets such as Feminist Criminology, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, and Journal of Criminal Justice Education. She graduated with her Ph.D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 2021, and with her M.A. in Political Science from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2014. Between her Ph.D. and her M.A., she worked as a drug counselor in an aftercare center, which motivated her to get involved in service working with drug using and homeless populations.