Dr. Sherry Ryan

School of Public Affairs
College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts
Sherry Ryan is a professor of city planning in the School of Public Affairs at San Diego State University. She teaches Geographic Information Systems (GIS), transportation planning, and land use planning. Her research focuses on transportation-land use interactions, and the influence of land use patterns on travel behavior, physical activity and health. She has published numerous articles on these topics in journals such as Urban Studies, Transportation Research Record, and he Journal of Planning Education and Research. She has participated in multiple funded research grants from such agencies and foundations as the NIH, Caltrans, FHWA and The Walton Family Foundation. In addition to her academic experience, she brings significant practice experience having served as project manager for multiple local and regional bicycle and pedestrian master planning efforts, including the award winning San Diego Regional Bike Plan, the City of San Diego’s Bicycle Master Plan Update (2013), and the City of Carlsbad Pedestrian Master Plan. Her joint academic and practice careers have allowed her to develop a professional foundation of great breadth, part exploratory research–part nuts-and-bolts planning practice.