Dr. Darell Pugh

School of Public Affairs
College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts
Darrell Pugh is a professor emeritus of public administration in the School of Public Affairs at San Diego State University and a member of the California State Bar. He received his B.A. and M.P.A. from San Diego State University. He teaches courses in both the graduate and undergraduate public administration programs, specializing in the history of public administration, human resource management, labor relations, labor law, and administrative law. Dr. Pugh’s research interests include the history of american public administration and the U.S. Civil Service, human resource management, and employment law. He has published numerous articles in various journals including The Public Administration Review, The International Journal of Public Administration, The Bureaucrat, Public Voices, College Teaching, Public Administration Education Forum, The Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues, California Grocers Association Magazine, the San Diego Business Journal, Law Watch, and The Employment Law Update. His most recent research interests focus on legal issues affecting public employers in California, and he has written several articles on topics ranging from employee free speech in the workplace to methods of reasonable accommodation for employees under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Dr. Pugh has represented various public sector clients in hearings, arbitrations, and labor negotiations, and he has litigated cases in both federal and state courts and before the National Labor Relations Board and the California Public Employment Relations Board. He also served as the historian of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), where he wrote extensively on professionalism in ASPA and in the public service.