Elizabeth Ichikawa

Online MPA Graduate Student
School of Public Affairs
College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts
My name is Elizabeth Ichikawa. During the past twelve years I have served Solano County working for the Solano County Superior Court. I started as a Judicial Assistant then was promoted to a Court Investigator. I have served as the Supervising Court Investigator since August 2020. As the Supervising Court Investigator, I oversee an office of five investigators and regularly work with justice partners in the area of guardianships, conservatorships, and stepparent adoptions.
In addition to my work with the Courts, I serve on the Board of Directors for the California Association of Superior Court Investigators (CASCI). As a board member, I work to promote and provide education opportunities for Court Investigators in California. I also serve as the Probate Court Investigator on the Advisory Board for the Professional Fiduciaries Bureau. I was appointed by the Governor to this position in October 2020. As a member of the Advisory Board, I work to safeguard the well-being of consumers who receive professional fiduciary services.
I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Science from UC Davis and a Graduate Certificate in Court Administration from Sacramento State University. I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, traveling, camping, and hiking.