Dr. Bruce Appleyard

Director of Action Institute for Sustainability, Livability, and Equity (AISLE) and Active Transportation Research
School of Public Affairs
College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts
Primary Email: [email protected]
Adams Humanities - 4124
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego,
Dr. Appleyard is an Associate Professor of City Planning and Urban Design at San Diego State University (SDSU) where he helps people and agencies make more informed decisions about how we live, work, and thrive. Working from the human to regional/ecosystem scale, he is an author of numerous peer-reviewed and professional publications and is a global thought leader on urban quality, the future of transport, and reimagining & redesigning streets for livability, safety, and placemaking -- especially for pedestrians and bicyclists. His expertise also extends to coordinating housing, land use, transport to help places become more sustainable, livable, healthy, and equitable. He recently published Livable Streets 2.0, a 600+ page book about the conflict, power, and promise of our streets (https://bit.ly/LivableStreets).
Dr. Appleyard holds a Doctorate (as well as a Masters and Bachelors) from the University of California in the town of Berkeley where he grew up.
Review this draft of a Declaration of Interdependence for San Diego, USA/Tijuana, Mexico
Riggs, W., Appleyard, B. (2018). "The Economic Impact of One to Two-Way Street Conversions: Advancing a Context Sensitive Framework." Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Place Making and Urban Sustainability.
Appleyard, B., Frost, A. (2018). "New Pathways Toward Zero-Carbon Campus Commuting: Innovative Approaches in Measuring, Understanding, and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Cherry, C., Appleyard, B., and Riggs, W. (2018). "New and Unique Aspects of University Campus Transportation Data to Improve Planning Methods." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Appleyard, B., Ferrell, C., and Taecker, M. (2017). "Toward a Typology of Transit Corridor Livability: Exploring the Transportation/Land Use/Livability Connection." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Appleyard, B. (2017). "The Meaning of Livable Streets to Schoolchildren: an Image Mapping Study of Traffic Exposure on Children's Cognitive Development." Journal of Transport and Health.
Appleyard, B., Ferrell, C., Taecker, M. (2017). "Transit Corridor Livability: Realizing the Potential of Transportation and Land Use Integration." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research.
Gibbons, J., Nara, A., Appleyard, B. (2017). "Exploring the Imprint of Social Media Networks on Neighborhood Community through the Lens of Gentrification." Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science.
Appleyard, B., Ferrell, C. (2017). "Crime and Active & Sustainable Travel Behavior: New Geo-Spatial and Statistical Methods to Explore the Influence of Crime on Mode Choice." Journal of Transport and Health.