Dr. Stuart Henry

School of Public Affairs
College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts
Stuart Henry is a criminologist specializing in criminological theory, corporate and white-collar crime, school violence and sociology of law. Before joining San Diego State University in 2010 as director of the School of Public Affairs, Dr. Henry was director of Interdisciplinary Studies at Wayne State University, and before that, was professor of Criminology at Eastern Michigan University. He has also served as chair of Sociology at Valparaiso University, director of interdisciplinary studies at the University of Texas at Arlington and was a visiting scholar in the department of sociology, University of Hawai’i Mānoa. He has received grants from the ESRC (UK), FEMA and NSF to support his research. His publications include 34 authored/edited books and over 100 articles in journals or book chapters. His books include The Hidden Economy (1978), Private Justice (1983; 2016), Criminological Theory (1995; 2006), Constitutive Criminology (1996), School Violence (2000), Essential Criminology (1998; 2004; 2010; 2015), and Social Deviance (2009; 2017). His latest book Responding to School Violence: Confronting the Columbine Effect (2014) examines school violence policy. He is currently working on a book manuscript entitled The Social Construction of Crime.