Wanda Elkins

Online MPA Graduate Student
School of Public Affairs
College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts
My name is Wanda Elkins. I was a supervisor in a medical billing office for 12 years when I moved over to the public sector. I have been working for Solano County Health and Social services department for the last three years. I started my career with Solano County as an eligibility specialist I providing community members in need with CalFresh food program and Medi-Cal health benefits. During the last three years I have gained knowledge and continued to promote to an Eligibility Specialist II, III and now Supervisor in the CalWORKs cash aid for family’s division. I currently supervise 12 employees and assist another supervisor with their 12 employees. I am the Chair to Solano County’s Racial Equity committee.
My long-term goal is to earn a position as a Deputy Director in Solano County. I want to obtain a position that allows me to use my passion for assist my community to become self-efficient. I want to develop policies and programs that provide a hand up to the underserved. I want to work on policies that will promote racial equity. I previously earned two Associates degrees, one in Social Sciences and one in Liberal Studies from Solano Community College. I then obtained my Bachelors in Liberal Studies from Sonoma State. My goal is complete my Masters of Public Administration from San Diego State University as it will open doors in the advancement of my career.